Users Tool Features

The Users tool consists of all features needed for locating and working with both agent and non-agent users. These features include:

  • Filter, Search, and Sorting Options: Options available for locating a specific user.
  • Select User Checkboxes: Used to highlight a user within the list for easier identification. Also allows for the export of selected users from the Actions Drop-down Menu.
  • Actions Drop-down Menu: Menu which allows for customizing available columns and exporting Users page data.
  • Task Icons: Perform specific tasks for the selected user.

Using Filters on the Users Page

Filters allow for the display of only specific users based on the selected filter options. The Users page contains the following filter options:

User Type – Used to select the type of users to display on the users list. This filter allows for the selection of the following types of users:

  • All – Displays all available agent and non-agent users. (This is the default filter option.)
  • Agent – Displays only agent users.
  • Supervisor – Displays only supervisor users.
  • Non Contact Center – Displays only users that are not associated with the contact center.

Active Status – Displays users based on the selected active status. The following active status filters are available:

  • All – Displays all users, both active and inactive. (This is the default filter option.)
  • Active – Displays only active users.
  • Inactive – Displays only inactive users.


If your organization uses two or more platforms within Humanify Portal, a Platforms selection drop-down menu displays. The All option is selected by default and will display users associated with all available platforms. Select a specific platform if you need to view only users associated with that platform.

Using Search Fields on the Users Page

Enter text into any column's search field to find a specific result within that column. Narrow search results even further by entering text into the search field of other columns. For additional details about using search, see and .

Changing Column Sorting on the Users Page

Change the sorting of a column by either ascending, descending, or no sorting. Apply sorting to columns using the following:

Column Sort Selectors – A Column Sort Selector is available on each column header. Clicking this opens a drop-down menu to display available sorting options for the column.

  • Sort Ascending – Changes a columns sorting to ascending. When sorting is set to ascending, numbers display in order from 0 to 9, and letters display in order from A to Z.
  • Sort Descending – Changes a columns sorting to descending. When sorting is set to descending, numbers display in order from 9 to 0, and letters display in order from Z to A.
  • Remove Sort – Removes sorting from the column.
  • Hide Column – Hides the column from view.

Column Sort Indicator – A small triangle that displays next to a column title with sorting applied. If the triangle tip points up, the data sorts in ascending order. If the triangle tip points down, the data sorts in descending order.

Column Titles – Clicking a column title toggles the sorting of the column's data between ascending, descending, or no sorting.

Selecting Individual or Multiple Users

When selected, a checkbox highlights the entire user row, making it easier to identify them. The checkboxes also allow for the selection of a specific user or users when exporting data using the Actions menu.

Selecting Individual Users – Select a user by left clicking the checkbox located on the left side of the user's row. Repeat to select all desired users.

Selecting All Visible Users – Select all visible users by clicking the Select All checkbox located on the top left side of the column headers.

Using the Actions Drop-down Menu on the Users Page

The Actions drop-down menu provides additional controls to other features found on the Users page. Using the Actions drop-down menu, users can quickly clear filters, export data, and show or hide columns within the Users page. The Actions menu includes the following options:

Contact Center AI Service Enablement – Opens the Contact Center AI Services Enablement dialog allowing you to enable or disable AI services for selected agents and supervisors.

The Contact Center AI Service Enablement option does not display unless you have agents and/or supervisors selected on the Users page.

Clear all filters – Clears all currently selected filters on the Users page.

Export all data as CSV – Exports all Users page data in the CSV (Comma-separated Values) format for viewing or editing.

Export visible data as CSV – Exports only visible Users page data in the CSV (Comma-separated Values) format for viewing or editing.

Export selected data as CSV – Option is only available with users selected on the Users page. Exports only selected Users page data in the CSV (Comma-separated Values) format for viewing or editing.

Use an application, such as Microsoft Excel, to view/edit the exported CSV file.

Export all data as PDF – Exports all Users page data in the PDF (Portable Document Format) format for viewing.

Export visible data as PDF – Exports only visible Users page data in the PDF (Portable Document Format) format for viewing.

Export selected data as PDF – Option is only available with users selected on the Users page. Exports only selected Users page data in the PDF (Portable Document Format) format for viewing.

Use an application, such as Adobe Reader or Acrobat, to view the exported PDF file.

Columns - All options below this section allows for showing or hiding the specified column on the Users page.

First Name – Show or hide the First Name column.

Last Name – Show or hide the Last Name column.

Agent ID – Show or hide the Agent ID column.

Username – Show or hide the Username column.

Agent Team – Show or hide the Agent Team column.

Id Contact Center User Status – Show or hide the Id Contact Center User Status column.

Status – Show or hide the Status column.

Platform Name – Displays the platform associated with the users.

Enterprise Name – Displays the Enterprise Name assigned to the users.

Buttons – Show or hide the column containing the task icons.

For additional details on exporting data, see Export and View Grid Data.

For additional details on showing/hiding columns, see Show or Hide Columns on a Grid.

Using the Task Icons on the Users Page

Task icons perform a variety of actions for each user listed on the Users page. See the task icon descriptions below:

Edit User – Opens the Edit User dialog box for editing user information and details. (See Edit Agent or Non-Agent User Information for more information.)

+/- Skills – Opens the Agent to Skills page for assigning or removing skills for an agent. (See Assign or Un-Assign Skills for an Agent from the Users Page for more information.)

Reset Password – Opens the Reset Password dialog box for resetting the user's password. This task icons does not display if Federation is enabled. (See Reset User Password for more information.)

Clone User – Opens the Clone User dialog box for creating a new user. (See Create a New Non-Agent User or Create a New Agent User for more information.)

Edit Access Groups – Opens the Edit Groups for User dialog box for assigning or removing groups for a user. (See Edit User Access Groups for more information.)

Activate User – Icon only displays for deactivated users. Click this icon to activate the user. This task icon does not display if Federation is enabled. (See Activate or Deactivate a User for more information.)

Deactivate User – Icon only displays for active users. Click this icon to deactivate the user. This task icon does not display if Federation is enabled. (See Activate or Deactivate a User for more information.)

Access Summary – Opens the Access Summary dialog box for a quick view of group and collection assignments. (See View Access Summary for a User for more information.)

Delete User – Used to delete users or agents that are no longer needed. (See Delete a User for more information.)

Unlock User Session – Opens the Unlock User Sessions dialog allowing you to unlock a user's Portal session. (See Unlock a User Session for more information.)

Force Agent Logout – Allows Portal Administrators and supervisors to force an agent to log out of their computer telephony interface (CTI). (See Force an Agent to Log Out of CTI for more information.)

Audit User – Opens the User Audit dialog box for viewing historical changes for the user. (See Audit a User for more information.)

If 'Federation' were enabled the 'Reset password' and activate/deactivate users icon should also be removed from the Users grid.

See Also