Reset User Password

The need to reset a user's Portal password can occur for one or more of the following reasons:

  • User's password expired
  • User suspects another user is using their account credentials
  • Suspicious activity occurring from a user's account
  • Unauthorized access detected
  • Only a supervisor, manager, or administrator has the proper access rights to change a user's password.
  • After resetting a user's password, the user receives an email notification about their password change.
  • If a user-defined role has the Password Reset feature enabled, the following options can be activated independently:
  • Reset Portal 'User' password
  • Reset 'Agent ICM' password

Resetting a User's Portal Password

Reset a user's password by doing the following:

  1. On the Users page, locate the user needing their password reset. For assistance with locating a user, see Users Tool Features.
  2. Click the Reset Password icon located on the same row as the user.

  1. On the Reset Password dialog box, choose one of the following three methods for resetting a user's password:

Use the Suggested Password

  1. Select the Use suggested password option.
  2. Humanify Portal automatically generates the suggested password. Provide this password to the user, as they will need it for their next sign in.
  3. Click the Reset button to reset the password to the suggested password.

Manually Create a New Password

  1. Select the Enter a new password manually option.
  2. Enter the new password into the New Password field, and then enter it again into the Confirm new password field. Be sure the password meets the requirements listed under the Password requirements section. Text under the Password requirements section changes colors to indicate whether the password meets the requirements or not. Green text means the requirement passed, and red text means the requirement failed. At least three of the requirements must pass.
  3. Click the Reset button to save the new password.

Require User to Change Password at Next Sign-in

  1. Toggle the slider next to Change password at next login to YES.
  2. Click the Reset button to reset the user's password.

Resetting an Agent User's ICM Password

Reset a user's ICM password by doing the following:

Match User Password

Reset the ICM password to match the user password.

  1. Select the Agent ICM  tab.
  2. Enable the Reset Password in ICM option by sliding to the ON position.
  3. Select the Match User password option.
  4. Click the Reset button to save the password.

Enter a New ICM Password

Reset the ICM password.

  1. Select the Agent ICM  tab.
  2. Enable the Reset Password in ICM option by sliding to the ON position.
  3. Select the Enter a new password manually option..
  4. Enter the new password into the New Password field, and then enter it again into the Confirm new password field. Be sure the password meets the requirements listed under the Password requirements section. Text under the Password requirements section changes colors to indicate whether the password meets the requirements or not. Green text means the requirement passed, and red text means the requirement failed.
  5. Click the Reset button to save the new password.

See Also