Phones Features

The Phones page lists all the phones currently available and provides information and features that are useful for the contact center when working with phones. Its features allow you to do the following:

  • Edit and update a phone
  • Create a new phone by cloning an existing phone
  • Reset a phone
  • Delete a phone
  • Audit a phone to view history of changes

Using the Phones Page Features

Actions Menu – Provides users with options for the following actions:

  • Clear all filters – Clears all search fields and sorting options on the page.
  • Export Data – Export Phones page data in CSV and PDF file formats.


For additional information about exporting data, see Export and View Grid Data.

  • Columns – Show or hide Phones page columns.


For additional information about showing or hiding columns, see Show or Hide Columns on a Grid.

Clusters – This drop-down menu only displays if multiple clusters are configured for your organization. It allows for the selection of individual clusters, to filter which phones display on the page.

Selection Indicators – Allows for the selection of phones. The selection indicator located at the very top, in the column header, selects or deselects all listed phones. Selecting phones adds the option to export only selected data from the Actions menu.

Name Column – Displays the name assigned to each phone. The assigned names help to identify each individual phone, the user assigned to the phone, or the of task the phone is used for.


The name assigned to a phone does not originate from the manufacturer or supplier.

Description – Displays a description to provide additional information about the phone, or to describe how it is used.

Product Type Name – Displays the name of the phone hardware (product type) as designated by the manufacturer or supplier.

Model – Displays the phone model as designated by the manufacturer or supplier.

Device Pool – Displays the name of the group the phone is associated with based on its common characteristics with other phones/devices.

Phone Number – Displays the phone number assigned to the phone.

Licensed – Displays a check mark if the phone is licensed or an X if the phone is not licensed.

Task Icons – Icons used to perform various tasks for managing phones. The task icons allow users to perform the following actions:

  • Edit Phone – Edit the existing phone information to make changes to the current definition. See Edit an Existing Phone for additional information.

  • Clone Phone – Creates a copy of the phone. You can then edit and customize the copy. See Clone an Existing Phone for additional information.

  • Reset Phone – Resets the connection used by the phone. See Reset a Phone for additional information.

  • Delete PhoneDeletes the phone. See Delete a Phone for additional information.

  • Audit Phone – View the history of changes made to the phone. See Audit a Phone for additional information.

See Also