Manage Audio Group

Audio groups contain audio prompts, which are used to manage the audio files (versions) and the languages they are available in. Within an audio group, you can do the following:

  • Create, manage, edit, and delete audio prompts
  • Add languages to audio prompts
  • Upload and activate audio files within an audio prompt
  • Edit a schedule for audio file activation

Accessing the Manage Audio Group Interface

Locate the audio group you need to manage and access the Manage Audio Group interface by doing the following:

  1. Click the Actions button.
  2. Select Manage to access.

Manage option for audio group actions menu

Using the Audio Prompts Section of the Manage Audio Group Interface

On the left side of the Manage Audio Group interface is the Audio Prompts section. In this section you can perform a variety of actions to manage the audio prompts contained within the audio group.

Manage Audio Group interface - Audio Prompts section

Search – Enter text in this field and click the Magnifying Glass icon to search for a specific audio prompts that are available within the audio group.

Audio Prompt Search field

Create Audio Prompt – Click this button to add a new audio prompt. See Create an Audio Prompt for additional details.

Create Audio Prompt button

Audio Prompt Card – Each audio prompt within the audio group is displayed as a card. These cards provide the following:

Audio Prompt Card

  • Prompt Code – Displays the 4-digit code assigned to the prompt.
  • Prompt Name – Displays the name for the prompt. Clicking on a prompt's name allows you to manage the audio files contained within. They will display in the Audio Files section on the right side of the Manage Audio Group page.
  • Actions Button – Click this button to display an Action Menu containing actions that can be performed for a prompt.

Audio Prompt Actions Menu

Action Menu

  • Manage – Displays the audio files associated with the prompt, and allows you to manage them within the Audio Files section on the right side of the Manage Audio Group page. See Manage an Audio Prompt for additional details.
  • Edit – Displays the Edit Audio Prompt dialog allowing you to change the prompt's information, such as, the code, name or description. See Edit an Audio Prompt for additional details.
  • Delete – Displays the Confirm Audio Prompt Delete dialog allowing you to delete the audio prompt. See Delete an Audio Prompt for additional details.

Using the Audio Prompts Section of the Manage Audio Group Interface

On the right side of the Manage Audio Group interface is the Audio Files section. In this section you can perform several actions for managing the audio files contained within each audio prompt. Upon clicking on a Prompt Name or selecting the Manage option from the prompt's Action Menu, this section displays the audio files and languages associated with the prompt.

Manage Audio Group interface - Audio Files section

Language Selection – Drop-down menu for selecting the language in which the audio files are displayed for the selected prompt. See Manage an Audio Prompt for additional details.

Language selection drop-down menu

Add Language – Click this button to select and add a new language to the prompt. See Manage an Audio Prompt for additional details.

Add Langurage button

Audio Files - Upper controls

Add Audio File – Click this button to add a new audio file to the prompt. See Manage an Audio Prompt for additional details.

Record Count – Displays the total number of audio files currently displayed out of the total number of audio files available within the selected prompt.

Active Audio File – Displays the current active audio file. Click the Play icon to listen to the active audio files. You can also pause the playback by clicking the Pause icon. See Manage an Audio Prompt for additional details.

Audio file Play icon

Play Icon

Audio file Pause icon

Pause Icon


Each audio prompt can have only one active audio file.

Create Schedule – Clicking this button opens the Edit Activation Schedule dialog, allowing you to configure a schedule for audio file activation within the prompt . See Manage an Audio Prompt for additional details.


If an activation schedule is already present for the audio prompt , this button is labeled Edit Schedule.

Audio Files - Lower controls

Active Audio File Selection – This column allows you to select which audio file is active. Set an audio file as active by clicking the Inactive Audio File icon. The current active audio file displays the Active Audio File icon. See Manage an Audio Prompt for additional details.

Active audio file

Active Audio File Icon

Inactive audio file

Inactive Audio File Icon

Name Column – Displays the name assigned to each audio file. This name is entered manually upon adding the audio file.

File Name Column – Displays the auto-generated file name assigned to each audio file as they are uploaded.

File Type Column – .Displays the file type of each audio file.

Actions Column – Displays the Play/Pause icons and the Actions button for each audio file. See Manage an Audio Prompt for additional details.

Audio file Play icon

Play Icon

Audio file Pause icon

Pause Icon