Manage an Audio Prompt

Audio prompts often contain multiple audio files, and allow you to manage them by doing the following:

  • Add / select languages
  • Add / upload audio files
  • Set the active audio file
  • Edit the audio file activation schedule
  • Play / pause audio files
  • Edit audio files
  • Delete audio files

Accessing the Manage Audio Prompt Interface

To manage the audio files within an audio prompt, do the following:

  1. Locate the audio group that contains the audio prompt you would like to manage and click the Actions button.
  2. Select Manage to access the Manage Group interface.

Manage option for audio group actions menu

  1. Find the audio prompt to manage and click the Actions button.
  2. Select Manage to access the Edit Audio Prompt dialog.

Manage option for audio prompt actions menu


Alternatively, you can just click on the audio prompt's name to access the Audio File management interface for that specific audio prompt.

Audio prompt - click name to manage

Managing the Audio Prompt and Audio Files

The Audio Files for section of the page changes to display audio files and configuration options for the selected audio prompt. Select the prompt you would like to manage, and continue with one of the actions below:

Audio Files for selected audio prompt section