
Contact centers consist of several user types, each with varying roles and functions for completing day-to-day tasks. With so many user types, managing them can be a challenge. The Users tool provides an easy way to manage all user types within the contact center.

Users page

The Users tool allows you to do the following:

  • View users
  • Manage skill assignments
  • Edit user information
  • Clone a user to create a new one
  • Reset a user's password
  • Audit a user to view history of changes
  • Delete a user that is no longer needed

Accessing the Users Page

Access the Users page by selecting Users from the Humanify Portal navigation menu.

Users on Navigation Menu (expanded)


If the Humanify Portal menu is not expanded, click the Users icon to access the Users page.

Users on Navigation Menu (Icon)

Users Topics

Below are links to all topics related to Users: