Edit User Account Information

User information changes frequently and needs to be updated within Humanify Portal. The Users tool allows you to make changes to this information when needed.

Accessing a User's Account Information

Locate the user needing their account information updated and do the following:

  1. Access the Actions menu for the user by clicking the Actions button.
  2. Select the Account option to access the Edit Account interface.

Account option for Users Action Menu

Editing Account Profile Information

The Profile section of the Edit Account interface contains basic information for the user. Make any necessary changes to the information within this section.

Edit Account Profile information

Username – Username used by the user to sign into Humanify Portal. The username must be unique. When signing in, the username is in the form of username@tenant-suffix (e.g.: tpoole@ACM), in which the username is the name used in the Username field. The tenant-suffix is three characters used to identify the organization or contact center.

First Name – Field for changing the user's first name.

Last Name – Field for changing the user's last name.


  • The First Name, Last Name, and Username fields for agents and supervisors support the use of the following ASCII characters:

  • Due to a restriction in Active Directory, the Username field must also contain a combination of alphanumeric characters. It must also contain at least one alphabetic character.
  • The last character of the Username field may not be a period (.).

Portal Login – If this option is enabled, the user can sign into Portal.

Phone – Field for changing the user's personal phone number used to contact the user.

Email – Field for changing the business email address assigned to the user. Changing this field also sends an email notification to the user.

Full Username – Displays the full username along with the tenant suffix for the user. This field cannot be edited.

Editing Account Access Information

The Access section of the Edit Account interface contains the user's information in relation to the contact center. Make any necessary changes to the information within this section.

Edit Account Access information

Manager – Option used to indicate if a user is or is not a manager. If the box is checked, the user is marked as a manager.

Site – Drop-down menu for changing the user's site location. The site is usually the city, state, or the name of the agent's physical location.

Department – Drop-down menu for changing the user's department assignment.

Billing Unit – Drop-down menu for changing the user's billing unit.

User Type – Drop-down menu for selecting the user type for the user. The available user types are:

  • Portal Administrator – This user type can access and manage most features and data within Humanify Portal. However, they cannot create skills using the Skills feature, create or delete controls using the Routing Controls feature, or access Humanify Portal's Support, Cache Administration, or Usage features.
  • Callback Administrator – This user type has full access to the Callbacks and Callbacks Admin features within Humanify Portal
  • Phone Administrator – This user type has full access to manage the Phones feature. They can modify user to phone, and phone to user assignments, as well as copy, delete, edit, and reset phones.
  • Campaign Administrator – This user type can access and manage campaigns within the Campaigns feature.
  • Route Control Administrator – This user type can access all Routing Control features allowing for creating, editing, and deleting controls.
  • Route Control Manager – This user type can edit existing controls, but cannot create new or delete existing controls.
  • Contact Flow Administrator – This user type can access and view controls within the Routing Controls feature. They can also fully access all features within Interaction Manager and can create skills within the Skills feature.
  • Contact Flow Developer –This user type can access and view controls within the Routing Controls They can only create, edit, and deploy contact flow applications to test within Interaction Manager.
  • Standard User – This user type has basic access to view, but not edit many of features and data within Humanify Portal.

User Role – Drop-down menu for changing a user's role assignment.

Profile – Drop-down menu for selecting a profile for the user. A profile is pre-selected by default. (Required)


The Manager option is for informational purposes only and does not provide additional rights or access. Checking the box does not make the user an organization manager.

Saving Changes

Save any changes by clicking Save, or click Cancel to cancel the operation.

Cancel or Save buttons


If canceling the operation, a Confirm Navigation panel displays. Click Leave Page to confirm canceling. To close the panel and return to the previous task, click Stay on Page.

Confirmation panel for cancel operation