
The Security feature of Humanify Portal provides users, such as supervisors, managers, and administrators, the ability to configure other user's or object's permissions and access to the features, data, and tasks within Humanify Portal. Objects may include the following:

  • Users
  • Reports
  • Skills
  • Any other entity that may require permissions based on the needs of the organization

With all of it's sub-features combined, you can use Security to define a desired level of access, allowing for a consistent and predictable interaction with all Humanify Portal features. This also allows for defining the level of access needed to make the experience unique for each user.


Each user's experience within Portal varies based on their individual permissions configured within the Security feature. Below are some of the key similarities and differences to expect:

  • Some permissions only allow users to view content, but some or all features may be disabled.
  • There may be some UI differences for users with certain permissions.
  • If features do not display for the user, their permissions are not configured to allow access.
  • Users may see the same UI as other users, but they may only have viewing permissions.

Security Page Groups Tab Default

With this feature you can do the following:

  • Create, manage, audit, and delete groups
  • Assign collections to a group
  • Create, manage, audit, and delete collections
  • Assign groups to a collection
  • Clone, edit, manage, audit, and delete roles
  • Assign users to a role

Accessing the Security Page

Access the Security page by selecting Security from the Humanify Portal navigation menu.

Security Menu Option Expanded


If the Humanify Portal menu is not expanded, click the Security icon to access the Security page.

Security Menu Collapsed

Security Topics

Below are links to all topics related to Security: