Understanding Security: Collections, Groups, and Roles

Security is comprised of the following three features which work together to allow for complete control over users and object permissions:

  • Groups – Consists of the groups used to associate available collections with available users. When assigning users to a group, those users are immediately associated with the collections that are also assigned to the group. You can assign users to multiple groups. While assigning collections, you can select a specific access type users can have for each, allowing for control over the following types of access:
  • Assignment – Users and groups can change users and groups assignment, but cannot add or remove objects for a collection.
  • Edit – Users and groups can add or remove objects for a collection, but cannot change users and groups assignment.
  • Manage – Users and groups can change the users and groups assignments and can add or remove objects for a collection.
  • Read – Users and groups can view assignments and objects, but they cannot make changes.
  • Collections – A collection of similar objects grouped together. Collections also conveniently prevent the need for associating users or objects individually, and allow you to easily assign any available groups. Objects can be any of the following:
  • Agents
  • Agent Teams
  • Reports
  • Users
  • Any other group or entity types the organization chooses to identify as an object
  • Roles – Used to control the Humanify Portal features users have access to, as well as which tasks or actions the users can perform within the enabled features. Using roles in conjunction with groups and collections allows for defining specific access rights for individual users.