Configure a New Table Control

The Table control is commonly used to for adding a list of contact numbers into a call flow. This topic covers how to configure a new Table control after creating.

Creating a Table Control

To add a new Table control, refer to the Create a Routing Control topic. Follow the instructions in that topic to add a new Table control.

Using the Create New Table Control Interface

Configure the new control by completing each section below:

Enter Control Details

Create Table Control Details section

Name – Enter a name for the control in this field.

Code – Enter a unique code to represent the control in this field.


The Code field can no longer be edited after initially adding the control.

Description – Enter a brief description to help identify the purpose or intent of the control.

Replicate to Database – Slider used to enable a replicate to database feature. Enable this option if you want the table replicated on an external database.


With the Replicate to Database option enabled, the routing control table is created on an external database instead of the Portal database. This allows the table control to function quicker in some cases.

When enabled, a Sync button displays for Routing Control Administrator users. Clicking this button will manually sync the table control data to the external database.

Replicate to Database Enabled - Sync button

If the Replicate to Database option is not available, a message appears below the option stating the following: "An external database is not configured."

Create Table Control Available Collections section

Search Icon – Clicking the magnifying glass icon displays the Search field. Enter text in this field and click the Magnifying Glass icon to search for a specific collection or collections that are available for assignment to the control.

Search field

Selection Indicators – When a collection is selected for assignment, this circle displays a check.

Item selected

Item not selected

Select/Deselect All – Clicking this button either selects or deselects all available collections.


Collections can only be assigned during the initial creation of the control. If changes are needed to collection assignment, you must create a new control.

Completing the Control Creation

Finish creating the new control by clicking the Create button, or click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.

Cancel or Create buttons


If canceling the operation, a Confirm Navigation panel displays. Click Leave Page to confirm canceling. To close the panel and return to the previous task, click Stay on Page.

Confirmation panel for cancel operation

Managing the New Table Control

Upon clicking the Create button, the Manage Control interface opens allowing you to edit the control details, and create and edit the table. To learn more about the Mange Control interface, refer to the Manage a Table Control topic.