Manage a Table Control

The Table control is commonly used to for adding a list of contact numbers into a call flow.

This topic covers how to manage a Table control.

Updating a Control

To learn how to access the Manage Control interface for updating an existing Table control, refer to the Manage a Routing Control topic.

Using the Manage Control Interface

Update a Table control from the Manage Control interface by doing the following:

Update Control Details

Manage Table Control Details section

Name – Replace the text in this field to change the control's name.

Code – Code used to represent the control.


The Code field can no longer be edited after initially adding the control.

Description – Change the description used to help identify the purpose or intent of the control by replacing the text in this field.

Replicate to Database – Slider used to enable a replicate to database feature. Enable this option if you want the table replicated on an external database.


With the Replicate to Database option enabled, the routing control table is created on an external database instead of the Portal database. This allows the table control to function quicker in some cases.

When enabled, a Sync button displays for Routing Control Administrator users. Clicking this button will manually sync the table control data to the external database.

Replicate to Database Enabled - Sync button

If the Replicate to Database option is not available, a message appears below the option stating the following: "An external database is not configured."

Adding or Editing the Table

Manage Table control edit table

Search Filter – Enter text in this field and click the Magnifying Glass icon to search for specific table records. Clear the field by clicking the X that displays after entering text.

Search Filter

Record Count – Displays the total number of table entries currently displayed and available for the table control.

Edit Header Button – Click to add or edit the headers for each column within the table. See the Editing the Table Headers section below to learn more.

Add Row Button – Click to add a new row to the table.  Rows allow for the entry or selection of data as described by the table headers. See the Adding Rows to the Table section below to learn more.

Import / Export Button – Click this button to access the Import / Export Table dialog. This allows you to import data into the table control, or export it for external editing. See the Importing or Exporting a Table section below to learn more.

Actions Button – Click to display the Actions menu. This menu provides the options to Edit or Delete a table row. See the Editing a Table Row or Deleting a Table Row sections below to learn more.

Table Control - Table Row Actions Menu

Saving Changes

Save any changes by clicking Save, or click Cancel to cancel the operation.

Save and Cancel buttons


If canceling the operation, a Confirm Navigation panel displays. Click Leave Page to confirm canceling. To close the panel and return to the previous task, click Stay on Page.

Confirmation panel for cancel operation