Assign or Un-assign Access Groups for a Collection

When an access group is assigned to a collection, any users currently associated with the group are also associated with the collection. Follow the steps below to learn more about assigning or un-assigning groups for a collection.

Accessing the Groups for Collection Dialog

Access the Groups for Collection dialog by doing the following:

  1. Locate the collection needing groups assigned or un-assigned.

  2. Click the Edit Groups task icon located on the same row of the collection.

Understanding the Groups for Collection Interface

The Groups For Collection dialog opens allowing you to assign or un-assign groups for the collection.

Assigned Groups Pane – Lists all groups currently assigned to the selected collection.

Available Groups Pane – Lists all groups currently available for assigning to the selected collection.

Search Filter – Enter text into this field to find a specific group by name. This filter is available in both the Available Groups and the Assigned Groups panes.

Available Groups Access Type – Drop-down menu that displays when groups are selected in the Available Groups pane. This drop-menu allows you to select the access type assigned to the selected groups as they are assigned to the collection. The following access types are available:

  • Assignment – Users assigned to the group can change user and group assignments, but they cannot add or remove objects for the collection.
  • Edit – Users assigned to the group can add or remove objects for the collection, but they cannot change user and group assignments.
  • Manage – Users assigned to the group can change the user and group assignments, and they can also add or remove objects for a collection.
  • Read – Users assigned to the group can view assignments and objects, but they cannot make changes.

Assigned Groups Access Type – Drop-down menu which allows you to change the access type for groups that are already assigned to the collection.


To learn more about using assignment panes, see Assignment Panes Interface.

See Also