Assignment Panes Interface

Humanify Portal assignment panes allow you to quickly assign skills, agents, phones, access groups, collections, and other contact center-related resources. Each assignment pane interface consists of two to three panes, with an easy-to-understand view of both the assignee and the resource being assigned.

Assignee Pane

The Assignee Pane presents a list of assignees, typically comprising of entities such as individuals, objects, or groups. You can choose an assignee from this pane to alter their resource assignments. Upon selecting an assignee, the Assigned Pane refreshes to show the resources currently allocated to the chosen assignee, while the Available Pane updates to exhibit the resources that are still accessible.

Assigned Pane

When an assignee is selected, this pane displays the resources currently allocated to the assignee. This pane updates in real-time as you select different assignees from the Assignee Pane. Notably, it also provides the functionality to select and remove any assigned resources, offering flexibility in managing resource assignments.

Available Pane

The Available Pane displays the resources that are still accessible or unassigned for the selected assignee. This pane also updates based on the assignee selected in the Assignee Pane. It provides a clear view of potential resources that are available for assignment, aiding in efficient resource allocation and management.

Assignment Pane Headers

The top section of each assignment pane is called the Assignment Pane Header and contains features that allow you to search for and sort the data or resources displayed in the pane.

Search Filter

Each pane has a search filter. Enter text into a pane's search filter to find a specific result within that pane.

Sort ByToggles the sorting of the pane's data, object, or resources by ascending or descending.
Record CountDisplays the number of data, object, or resource records within the pane.
Select AllSelects all data, objects, or resources within the pane.
Unassign Located in the Assigned Pane. Click this icon to move the selected data, objects, or resources back to the Available Pane.
AssignLocated in the Available Pane. Click this icon to move the selected data, objects, or resources to the Assigned Pane.
First PageSelecting this icon navigates back to the first page.
Previous PageSelecting this icon navigates back to the previous page.
Page NumberUse this to determine which page of data, objects, or resources you are viewing. The number on the left represents the current page you are viewing, while the number on the right is the total number of pages available.
Next PageSelecting this icon navigates forward to the next page.
Last PageSelecting this icon navigates forward to the last page.

See Also