Reasons Features

On the Reasons page, you will find a list of all reason codes available along with various features allowing you to do the following:

  • Add, edit, and delete reasons
  • Filter and search for reasons
  • Export reasons data

Using the Reasons Page Features

Reason Count – Displays the number of reasons on record and listed on the Reasons page.

Actions Menu – Provides users with options for the following actions:

  • Add New Reason – Creates a new reason. (See Add a New Reason Code for more information.)
  • Purge Completed Schedules – Removes all completed and expired schedules from the page.
  • Clear all filters – Clears all search fields and sorting options on the page.
  • Export Data – Export Reasons page data in CSV and PDF file formats.


For additional information about exporting data, see Export and View Grid Data.

    Columns – Show or hide Reasons page columns.


For additional information about showing or hiding columns, see Show or Hide Columns on a Grid.

Selection Indicators – Allows for the selection of reasons. The selection indicator located at the very top, in the column header, selects or deselects all listed reasons. Selecting reasons adds the option to export only selected data from the Actions menu.

Reason Column – Lists the names for all available reasons.

Description Column – Displays a description for each reason code.

Global Display Column – Displays an icon for each reason which indicates if it is defined as global or not. If global is enabled for a reason code, the icon is highlighted in a brighter color, depending on the color scheme for the selected Portal skin. If global is disabled, the icon will be a light gray color.

Reason Code Type – Displays the reason code type for each reason.

System Code – Displays true if the reason is a system code or false if it is not.

Clusters Enabled – Displays the total number of clusters available, and displays which clusters are enabled or disabled for the reason codes. Enabled clusters are highlighted in green, and disabled clusters are gray. If you hover your cursor over the green clusters, the reason code displays.

Assigned Teams Column – Displays the number of agent teams assigned to each reason code.

Task Icons – Icons used to perform various tasks for managing reasons. The task icons allow users to perform the following actions:

Using Search and Filters on the Reasons Page

To learn more about using search and filter features for the Reasons tool, see .

Exporting Reasons Page Data

To learn more about exporting reason data, see Export and View Grid Data.

See Also