Grid User Interface

Components within Webex CCE Administration Portal display data within grids. Grids contain many functions that help you easily search, sort, view, and manage the data in Portal and each of it's components. In this topic, some of the most common grid functions are highlighted to help you get the most out of Portal.

Grid Menu

Each of the grids found throughout Portal have a Menu Icon located on the top-left side. This menu allows you to perform tasks that are specific to the type of grid you are viewing, as well as common functions that are available on all grids.

Menu Icon

Selecting this icon reveals a drop-down menu with specific grid tasks as well as common tasks, such as:

Grid Pagination

This section of the grid shows the total number of data records displayed and available to display on the grid. It also provides controls that allow you to navigate through the pages of data within the grid.

Record CountThe range of numbers on the left represents the current data records you are viewing on the grid. The number on the right is the total number of data records available.
First PageSelecting this icon navigates back to the first page.
Previous PageSelecting this icon navigates back to the previous page.
Page EntryThis field allows for manual entry of the page you want to view. The number located to the right of the field is the total number of pages available.
Next PageSelecting this icon navigates forward to the next page.
Last PageSelecting this icon navigates forward to the last page.

Grid Filters

Grid filters allow you to apply filters to all the data displayed on a grid. Some filters are unique and specific to a grid, but many are commonly found on several grids. Below are some of the common grid filters found throughout Portal.

PlatformsA drop-down menu that allows you to select from a list of platforms used by your organization. This filter is only available for organizations that have two or more platforms available. When a platform is selected, only data for that platform displays on the grid. The default All option displays data for all of the organization's platforms.
ClusterA drop-down menu that allows you to select from a list of Cisco Finesse clusters available within your organization.

Grid Column Headers

Grids within Portal have many sorting and search filter features that help you find and select data quickly and efficiently.

/ Select / Deselect AllDisplays above grid data and to the left of the column headers. Use this selection indicator to select or deselect all data displayed within the grid.
Pin ColumnUsed to pin a column. Pinned columns stay in view when scrolling horizontally to view grid data.
Unpin ColumnUnpin a column.
Column Options Icon

Reveals a drop-menu with the following options:

  • Sort Ascending – Changes a columns sorting to ascending. When sorting is set to ascending, numbers display in order from 0 to 9, and letters display in order from A to Z.
  • Sort Descending – Changes a columns sorting to descending. When sorting is set to descending, numbers display in order from 9 to 0, and letters display in order from Z to A.
  • Remove Sort – Removes sorting from the column.

  • Hide Column – Hides the column from view. Restore a hidden column from the Grid Menu.


Sort Ascending Icon

This icon displays next to a column header where the data is sorted by ascending. The number next to the icon represents the sort order, if multiple columns within the grid are sorted.

Note: You can also click on the column headers to toggle between the sorting methods.

Sort Descending Icon

This icon displays next to a column header where the data is sorted by descending. The number next to the icon represents the sort order, if multiple columns within the grid are sorted.

Note: You can also click on the column headers to toggle between the sorting methods.

Search Filter

Each column on a grid has a search filter. Enter text into any column's search filter to find a specific result within that column. Narrow search results even further by entering text into the search filter of other columns.

Clear Filter

Clear a filter by clicking icon that displays on the right-side of the search filter.

Drop-menu Filter Some columns have a drop-down menu filter instead of a search field. The displayed column data filters based on the selection.

Select / Deselect Grid Data

Selecting data on a grid allows you to export specific data (see Export and View Grid Data) or apply settings or changes to multiple selected items.

Selection Indicator (Not Selected)

Displays next to data that is not selected within a grid. Click to select.

Selection Indicator (Selected)

Displays next to data that is selected within a grid. Click to deselect.

Note: The row for any selected items on a grid is highlighted to help you distinguish the selected from the items that are not selected.


When grid data is selected, the Grid Menu may display different options for the selected data.

Column Positioning

You can change the position of a column within a grid by dragging and dropping the column header to the position you want it to display. Place your mouse cursor over the column you want to move, left-click and hold the button down, and then drag and drop it in the position you want it placed.

See Also