Validate Contact Flow Application

While creating a contact flow application, it is very easy to make a mistake, especially on larger applications that have several nodes. The Validate Application feature is available to check for common errors. This helps to locate and quickly correct invalid nodes.

Validating an Application

  1. Save the contact flow before validating.

  1. Click the Validate Application button in the Properties panel, as shown below.
  • The contact flow application will now validate.
  • If errors and warnings are found during the validation, the Errors/Warnings table displays below the canvas.


If the application passes validation, the following message displays in the upper right corner: "..Application has Passed Validation". When this message displays, the application is now ready for testing.

To learn more about testing an application, see: Deploy Contact Flow Application to Test

  1. Correct the validation errors and warnings indicated. For additional details on correcting validation errors/warnings, see Correcting Validation Errors/Warnings
  • Any issues found during validation must be corrected to make the application valid.
  • The table format simplifies the process, so users can quickly fix each error or warning one-by-one.

Understanding the Validation Errors/Warnings Table

The Description section provides a brief explanation of each error or warning found.

The Hint section explains how to resolve the error or warning found with the specific node.

Each error or warning includes a link. Clicking this link selects the invalid node for quick access to its properties.

See Also