Sign Into Portal

The sign-in page is the gateway for you to access Humanify Portal. It is the first page to display when accessing Humanify Portal.

Humanify Portal login page

Using the Sign In Page

Requiring users to sign-in is the most secure way to prevent unauthorized access. This method also protects your organization's private and sensitive data.

Enter your username into the Username field, and then click NEXT to continue.

Username and password fields

Understanding the Username

Sign-in requires a user to enter their unique username to sign in. For Humanify Portal, a username consists of three parts:

  • Username – A unique set of characters that identify the user. It is not case sensitive, and can use both upper and lower case characters. Numbers are also acceptable. See example usernames below:
  • johndoe
  • john_doe
  • jdoe
  • jdoe2
  • Separator – The "@" symbol separate the username from the tenant suffix.
  • Tenant Suffix – A three character suffix that follows the separator, used to identify the organization. It is not case sensitive, and can use both upper and lower case letters. An organization named "Acme Inc." might have the following suffixes:
  • ACM
  • acm
  • ACI
  • AcI
  • AIN

A username used to sign into Humanify Portal may appear similar to the following examples:

  • johndoe@acm
  • jdoe@acm
  • John_Doe@AcI

Username format

One of the following pages will display after completing the previous steps:

Standard Sign-In Page

Standard Sign-In Page

Single Sign-On Page

Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) Single Sign-On (SSO) Page

Depending on which sign-in page displays for your organization, click on the method below to continue:


While signed in, Humanify Portal automatically signs the user out after 30 minutes of inactivity. When this occurs, the user will return to the previous page they were working on at next sign-in.