Configure a New Date/Time Range Control

The Date/Time Range control allows a user to set a specific date and time for a routing task to start and end. It is commonly used for enabling and disabling planned messaging.

This topic covers how to configure a new Date/Time Range control after creating.

Creating a Date/Time Range Control

To add a new Date/Time Range control, refer to the Create a Routing Control topic. Follow the instructions in that topic to add a new Date/Time Range control.

Using the Create New Date/Time Range Control Interface

Configure the new control by completing each section below:

Enter Control Details

Create Date/Time Range Control Details section

Name – Enter a name for the control in this field.

Code – Enter a unique code to represent the control in this field.


The Code field can no longer be edited after initially adding the control.

Description – Enter a brief description to help identify the purpose or intent of the control.

Configure Control Settings

Create Date/Time Range Control Settings section

Time Zone – Drop-down menu for selecting the time zone for the control.

Start Date/Time – Allows for the selection of the date and time for the control to start. Selecting this field displays the Date / Time Selection Menu.

End Date/Time – Allows for the selection of the date and time for the control to end. Selecting this field displays the Date / Time Selection Menu.


Use the Date / Time Selection Menu to select a date and time:

Date / Time Selection menu

Date / Time Selection Menu

Month Selector – Click to select a month.

Month selection menu

Year Selector – Click to enter or select a year. Use the up and down arrows to select the previous or next year.

Year selection field

Next Month – Arrow used to navigate to the next month.

Previous Month – Arrow used to navigate to the previous month.

Day Selector – Allows for the selection of the day. A selected day is highlighted in blue, and the current day is outlined in a gray circle.

Hour Selector – Enter or select the hour. Use the up and down arrows to select the previous or next hour.

Hour selector

Minute Selector – Enter or select the minute. Use the up and down arrows to select the previous or next minute.

Minute selector

AM / PM Selector – Select PM or AM for the time of day.

AM / PM selector

Assign Collections

Create Date/Time Range Control Available Collections section

Search Icon – Clicking the magnifying glass icon displays the Search field. Enter text in this field and click the Magnifying Glass icon to search for a specific collection or collections that are available for assignment to the control.

Search field

Selection Indicators – When a collection is selected for assignment, this circle displays a check.

Item selected

Item not selected

Select/Deselect All – Clicking this button either selects or deselects all available collections.


Collections can only be assigned during the initial creation of the control. If changes are needed to collection assignment, you must create a new control.

Completing the Control Creation

Finish creating the new control by clicking the Create button, or click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.


Cancel or Create buttons


If canceling the operation, a Confirm Navigation panel displays. Click Leave Page to confirm canceling. To close the panel and return to the previous task, click Stay on Page.

Confirmation panel for cancel operation