Edit a Skill

If needed, users can change both the name and description for each skill listed on the Skills page. Change either of these by doing the following:

  1. Click the Edit Skill icon located next to the skill to edit.

  1. Edit the skill by doing the following:
  1. Change the name for the skill by replacing the text in the Name field.
  2. The # of Agents field shows the number of agents currently assigned to the skill. (This field cannot be edited.)
  3. The Skill Type field displays which skill type the skill being edited is.(This field cannot be edited.)
  4. If needed, change the number of seconds for the service level threshold in the Service Level Threshold (in Secs) field.
  5. Click the Service Level Type drop-down menu to change the service level type.
  6. Change the description for the skill by replacing the text in the Description field. (Optional field.)
  1. Click the Save button to save the skill, or click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.

A Skill edited successfully notification displays at the upper-right side of the screen after editing a skill.

See Also