Manage Agent Assignment for an Agent Team

Agents can be added to or removed from an agent team, as needed, using the Agent Teams tool.

Accessing the Manage Agents Dialog

The Manage Agents dialog uses assignment panes which provide an easy way to assign or un-assign agents for an agent team. To access this dialog, do the following:

  1. Locate the agent team needing agents assigned or un-assigned.
  2. Click the Edit Agents task icon located on the same row of the team.

This opens the Manage Agents dialog box.

Understanding the Manage Agents Interface

The Manage Agents dialog consists of the following two panes:

  • Assigned Agents Pane – Lists all agents currently assigned to the selected agent team.
  • Available Agents Pane – Lists all agents currently available for assigning to the selected agent team.

To learn more about using assignment panes, see Assignment Panes Interface.

See Also