The Campaign Controls Tab

When you click on the edit campaign icon in the Campaigns™ page, a pop-up window opens to enable you to update settings associated with the campaign. The title line in the pop-up window includes the name of the campaign whose settings you are updating and the campaign type. By default, when the pop-up window opens, the Campaign Controls tab is the active tab. If the list of skill groups is large, you may have to scroll down or up in the Campaign Settings pop-up window to view additional information.

In the Campaign Controls tab, enter or update the following information:

  • Lines Per Agent (1-n) - This box sets the number of lines dedicated to each agent in this campaign. To change this setting, click on the upward-pointing arrow to increase the number of lines up to the maximum number of allowed lines; click on the downward-pointing arrow to decrease the number of lines to a minimum of one line. Alternatively, you can click in the box and over-type the current number in the box. The upper limit for this box is set in the Maximum Lines Per Agent box in this tab.

  • Maximum Lines Per Agent (1-100) - The upper limit for the number of customers the dialer will dial for a reserved agent at a time.To change this setting, click on the upward-pointing arrow to increase the maximum number of lines to a maximum of 100 lines; click on the downward-pointing arrow to decrease the maximum number of lines to a minimum of one line. Alternatively, you can click in the box and over-type the current number in the box. You can set this box to any number of lines between "1" and "100". This setting controls the upper limit for the Lines Per Agent box, both in this tab and in the Dialer and Delay Settings tab.

  • Abandon Calls Limit (0-100) - A call is considered abandoned if a person answers it and the contact center does not connect the call to a sales representative within two seconds of the person's completed greeting. To use this parameter, the decision icon must be set to YES Enable this option to set an Abandon calls limit (between "1" and "100") for the percentage of abandoned calls in this campaign. The granularity is to one-tenth of a percent and the default value for this box is "3.0" percent. If the decision icon is set to NO, the campaign dials without regard to the abandon limit.

    To change this setting, over-type the current number in the box. Remember that you can also specify part of a percent by entering an amount after the decimal.

  • Maximum Attempts (1-100) - This parameter defines the maximum number of attempts, including callbacks and retries. Enter the maximum number of attempts to be made in zone 1 and zone 2. The default value in this box is "3". Note that increasing the number of attempts causes closed records to be reopened, which can result in slower performance.

    To change this setting, click on the upward-pointing arrow to increase the number of lines to a maximum of 100 lines; click on the downward-pointing arrow to decrease the number of lines to a minimum of one line. Alternatively, you can click in the box and over-type the current number in the box.


    1. Modifying the Maximum Attempts parameter while the campaign is in progress can result in longer agent idle times and delays to retrieve records from the dialing list.

    2. This box is connected to the Maximum attempts (1-100) box in the Dialer and Delay Settings tab and displays the same information. If the Campaigns™ LCM managed campaign check box is selected (that is, if it has a check mark in the check box), then both Maximum attempts (1-100) boxes are locked.

  • Skill Group Table - The Skill Group table consists of the following columns:

    • Skill Group Name - This column displays the names of all skill groups that are associated with the campaign. You cannot make changes to the contents of the Skill Group Name column.

    • Enabled - This column governs whether the skill group is enabled or disabled. If the decision icon shows NO, the skill group is disabled; if the decision icon shows YES, the skill group is enabled. To change the status of the skill group, click on the decision icon.

    • Overflow Agents Per Skill (0-100) - This column is displayed only if this is an Agent-based campaign. This setting can be useful for Progressive campaigns to reduce the abandon rate at the cost of increasing agent idle times. This setting ensures that there is always at least one extra agent reserved before it begins dialing. When this setting is set to "1", at least two agents need to be reserved before the dialer begins dialing. The intention is to increase the odds that an agent is available when two or more customers answer, which increases agent idle times while decreasing the abandon rate.

    • Agent % (0-100) - This column is displayed only if this is an Agent-based campaign. For agent-based campaigns, this setting specifies the percentage of agents that can be assigned to the skill group.

    • Throttle % (0-100) - This column is displayed only if this is an IVR-based Campaign. For an IVR campaign, this setting specifies the percentage of campaign dialer ports that will be allocated.
    • Mode - This column sets the current mode for the skill group. A drop-down menu box sets the mode for the skill group to which it is associated. Click anywhere in the box to open the drop-down menu and select one of the following modes:

      • Inbound - This mode allows agents to accept incoming calls. Calls are routed to the next available agent.
      • Predictive - In Predictive Dialing, the dialer determines the number of customers to dial per agent based on the abandon rate. The agent must take the call if that agent is logged into a campaign skill group.

      • Progressive - Progressive Dialing is similar to predictive dialing. The only difference is that in Progressive Dialing mode, the Outbound Option does not calculate the number of lines to dial per agent, but allows users to configure a fixed number of lines that will always be dialed per available agent.

      • Preview - Preview dialing reserves an agent prior to initiating an outbound call and presents the agent with a pop-up window. The agent may then Accept, Skip, or Reject the call

      • Preview Direct - The Preview Direct mode is similar to the Preview mode, except that the call is automatically placed by the dialer from the agent's phone after the agent accepts. Because the call is initiated from the agent's phone, the agent hears the ringing, and there is no delay when the customer answers. However, in this mode, the agent must deal with answering machines and other results that the Dialer Call Progress Analysis (CPA) normally handles for other campaign dialing modes.

    • Skill Target ID - You cannot make changes to the contents of the Skill Target ID column.

When you have finished working in the Campaign Controls Tab, perform one of the following actions:

  • Click on one of the remaining tabs to update settings in these tabs. To view information about the contents of the selected tab, click on one of the following links:

  • Click on the Save button. Changes made in all the three tabs are saved and the Campaign Settings pop-up window closes. When your changes have been successfully saved, a confirmation pop-up window opens and displays the "Saved Successfully" message.


    If you change your mind about the updates you specified, you can click the Cancel button to discard your changes. When you click on the Cancel button, the Campaign Settings pop-up window refreshes to display a message warning that you have not saved your changes and the Save button changes to the Continue button.

    To discard your changes, click on the Continue button. Otherwise, you can click on the Cancel button to return to the previous window to save your changes.