Using the Agent to Skill Tool

The Agent to Skill tool primarily places focus on assigning or un-assigning agents to a select skill. It provides a quick way to manage agent assignment to a specific skill, which is useful during times of high call volume at a contact center. This topic covers how to use Agent to Skill.

Accessing Agent to Skill

To access the Agent to Skill page:

  1. Select Skills from the Webex CCE Administration Portal navigation menu. The menu expands to reveal additional tools.
  2. Click Agent to Skill to access the Agent to Skill tool.

The Agent to Skill page opens.

Understanding the Agent to Skill Interface

The Agent to Skill page consists of the following three panes:

  • Skills Pane – Displays a list of available selectable skills.
  • Assigned Agents Pane – Lists all agents currently assigned to the selected skill.
  • Available Agents Pane – Lists all agents currently available for assigning to the selected skill.

To learn more about using the Agent to Skill assignment panes, see Understanding Assignment Panes.

Assigning Agents to a Skill

To assign agents to a skill:


A maximum of 50 skills can be assigned to each agent.

  1. Locate and select the skill needing agent(s) assigned from the Skills Pane.

  1. Place a check next to each agent to assign to the skill in the Available Agents Pane.
  2. Click the Assign button to move selected agent(s) to the Assigned Agents Pane.


The selected agents now display at the top of the Assigned Agents Pane. The green highlighting indicates any agents recently assigned, but not yet saved.

Are newly assigned agents not showing on the list?

Newly assigned agents automatically display at the top of the Assigned Agents Pane on page 1. If there is more than one page of assigned agents, use the paging controls directly above the list to return the first page. For assistance with using paging controls, see Understanding Assignment Panes.

  1. Click the Save button to save the newly assigned agents, or click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.

Un-Assigning Agents from a Skill

To un-assign agents from a skill:

  1. Locate and select the skill needing agent(s) un-assigned from the Skills Pane.

  1. Place a check next to each agent to select them in the Assigned Agents Pane. To quickly select all assigned agents for removal, click the Select All check box.
  2. Click the Un-assign button to move selected agents to the Available Agents Pane.

The selected agents now display at the top of the Available Agents Pane. The red highlighting indicates any agents recently un-assigned, but not yet saved.

Are newly un-assigned agents not showing on the list?

Newly un-assigned agents automatically display at the top of the Available Agents Pane on page 1. If there is more than one page of available agents, use the paging controls directly above the list to return the first page. For assistance with using paging controls, see Understanding Assignment Panes.

  1. Click the Save button to save the newly un-assigned agents, or click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.

See Also