Signing In

Requiring users to sign-in is the most secure way to prevent unauthorized access. This method also protects the organization's private and sensitive data.


To access the Webex CCE Administration Portal sign-in page, open the link provided to the organization in a compatible web browser. A supervisor, manager, or administrator can provide the link, if needed.

For more information about Web browser compatibility, see Compatibility and Requirements for Webex CCE Administration Portal.

The total number of multiple concurrent sign ins can be limited. Contact your account manager to request changes to sign in limitations.

Understanding the Password

A password protects each user's account from unauthorized access. At sign-in, users must enter the password associated with their username to sign in. While entering the password, the Password field masks each character entered as a black circle to prevent others from seeing. Passwords are case sensitive and must meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum of 8 characters in length
  • Must not contain user's first name, last name, or username
  • Must contain 3 out of the following 4 character types:
    • Uppercase letters: ABCDEF
    • Lowercase letters: abcdef
    • Numbers: 12345
    • Special characters: ! % ^ & ( ) < >
  • Must not contain special characters: # $ * / @
  • Must not reuse previous passwords

ADFS Sign-In Page - Password Field


New Users - Temporary Password

A new user must use a temporary password at their initial sign in. A supervisor, manager, or administrator creates the temporary password when adding the user to Webex CCE Administration Portal.

Temporary passwords consists of the following three parts:

  • First letter of user's first name in uppercase, followed by the first letter of user's last name in lower case. For example:
    • A temporary password for a user named John Doe would start with "Jd".
  • User's full phone number. (Up to 15 characters.) For example:
    • 5125551212
  • Two exclamation marks. For example:
    • !!

The initial temporary password for user John Doe may appear as shown below:

  • Jd5125551212!!

Signing Into Webex CCE Administration Portal

To use the sign in screen:

  1. Enter assigned username into the Username field. If supported by your organization, you can also use your agent ID to sign in.
  2. Enter the password associated with the username into the Password field.
  3. The Forgot your Password option appears after selecting the Password field. Click this link to have Portal send a password reset link sent to the email address associated with the user.


After clicking the Forgot your Password link, confirm the email address is accurate by clicking the Confirm button. If the email address is not accurate, click the Cancel button and contact your supervisor to have your password reset.

For non-single sign-on (SSO) environments, the password reset also updates the user's agent and Intelligent Contact Management (ICM) passwords.

  1. Select the Remember Me check box to have the Web browser remember the username. At next sign-in, the username displays in the Username field.
  2. Click the Sign In button to sign in with the credentials entered.

ADFS Sign-In


While signed in, Webex CCE Administration Portal automatically signs the user out after 30 minutes of inactivity. When this occurs, the user will return to the previous page they were working on at next sign-in.

Users are logged out of Webex CCE Administration Portal after 12 hours of being logged in. After log-out, users are automatically returned to the sign-in page.

See Also