Add a Phone Book

The Phone Books tool allows you to create new phone books based on the needs within your organization and agent teams. Add a new phone book by doing the following:


An audit entry is created for any phone book added using the Phone Books tool. If a phone book is synchronized from Finesse, an audit entry will not be created.

  1. Click the Add Phone Book icon to access the Add Phone Book dialog box.

  1. Enter a name for the phone book in the Name field.
  2. Determine if the new phone book should be global. Enable the Global option by moving the slider to the YES position. Leave it in the default NO position if you do not want the phone book to be global.


If the Global slider is set to the default NO position, the phone book is usable only by agent teams it is assigned to.

  1. Select which Finesse clusters you would like to include in this phone book. The All Clusters option is selected by default.
  2. Select a primary Finesse cluster from the Primary Cluster drop-down menu.
  3. Place or remove a check next to each collection to associate or disassociate it with the new phone book. For additional information about collections, see Collections.
  4. Save the new phone book by clicking the Save button, or click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.

See Also