Re-Queue a Callback

With Callbacks, calls can be re-submitted back into the queue by using the Re-Queue feature.

Re-Queueing a Callback

Place a call back into queue by doing the following:

  1. Locate the callback to re-queue.
  2. Click on the Re-Queue Callback icon located on the same row as the callback to re-queue.

  1. Select a queue to assign the callback to from the Queue drop-down menu.
  2. Enter or select a date and time for the callback in the Callback Date/Time field.
  3. Enter or select the date and time for the customer in the Customer Current Time field.
  4. If any notes are needed for the callback, enter them into the Notes field.
  5. Use the Clear Date/Time Fields button to erase the date and time entered in the Callback Date/Time and Customer Current Time fields.
  6. Complete the callback re-queue by clicking the Re-Queue Callback button, or click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.

See Also