Contact Flow Version Control

When saving changes for a contact flow application, Interaction Manager stores all previous versions. This allows users to quickly revert to a previous version if issues occur.

Accessing Version Control

To access Version Control for a contact flow application:

  1. Select an application on the Application and Queues panel.

  1. Click the Version Control icon on the Properties panel.

The Version Control dialog box displays.

Using Version Control

Version Count – Displays the number of available Versions for the contact flow application.

Production Deployment Filter – Filter that allows the Version Control dialog box to show only versions of the application previously deployed to production


Reverting to a Previous Contact Flow Application Version

To load a previous version of a contact flow application:

  1. Select the version of the application in which to revert, and then click the Revert to this version button.

  1. Click the Yes button to confirm the revert, or click the No button to cancel.

A notification displays at the upper right side of the screen after reverting to a previous version.

See Also