Features of the Campaigns Page

The Campaigns™ page includes several features to help you locate and work with campaigns. These features are identified in the following screen capture.

Note: This section assumes that you are currently viewing the Campaigns™ page.

  1. Sort Columns

  2. Pin Columns

  3. Filter Box

  4. Edit Campaigns Icon

  5. Selected Campaign

  6. Enable/Disable campaign

  7. Menu icon

  8. Paging Controls

The following information explains features of the Campaigns™ page in greater detail:

  • Sort Columns - To sort the contents of the Campaigns™ page, click anywhere in the column header for the column on which you want to base the sort operation. Click the arrow on the right side of the column label to sort the column in the ascending/descending order.

  • Pin Columns - You can pin frequently accessed columns by clicking the pin icon.

  • Filter Box - The Filter box is the input box in the middle. Enter the information for which you want to search. The filter function will search for an exact match to the information you enter wherever it occurs in the location specified in the Search Filter. Enter to perform the search. Your results are displayed in the body of the Users page.

  • Edit Campaigns Icon- The edit campaigns icon in the Campaigns™ page, when clicked, opens a pop-up window containing three tabs that contain the settings associated with the campaign. The name of the campaign and the campaign type are displayed in the upper left corner of the pop-up window.

  • Selected Campaign - Click the checkbox located to the left of the campaign to select the campaign. Upon selecting, the entire row changes to a light green color. This makes it easier to verify that you are working with the right campaign, but does not perform any action.

  • Enable or Disable a Campaign - The Enabled column contains toggle that you can use either to enable a previously disabled campaign or to disable a previously enabled campaign. Simply click on the toggle that is associated with a campaign to perform the action for that campaign. When the icon toggle turns ON the campaign is enabled; when the icon contains the word OFF the campaign is disabled.

  • Menu Icon - Click the menu icon, to export the data and customize the columns.

    • Customize Columns - Click this control to open a drop-down menu that enables you to hide or display one or more columns. For more information, Show or Hide Columns on a Grid.

    • Export Data - Click on one of these icons to export the entire content of the table into either a spreadsheet or a PDF file. For more information, Export and View Grid Data.

  • Paging Controls - Paging controls (located at the top of the page) enable you to move to different pages to display different campaigns.