Support Tool Features

The Support page displays the status and any available controls for each service on both servers, Side A (Denver) and Side B (Austin). Each server is located in a different location for security reasons. The page displays two sections under the Services tab representing both servers.


The Denver (Side A) server is mirrored on the Austin (Side B) server. When a task is performed on Side A, that same task is then completed on Side B. Task icons and some services may not be available or displayed for the Side B section.

With this tool a Program Owner user can perform the following tasks:

  • View the status for services on both Denver and Austin servers
  • Restart Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
  • Start/stop/restart Routing Controls Application Gateway (AG) service
  • Enable/disable AG tracking
  • View AG service information
  • Start the Intelligent Contact Management (ICM) synchronization service
  • Start/stop/restart CallMe service
  • View CallMe service information

Status Column – Displays a status indicator for each service. The indicator displays the following colors to show the current status of the service.

  • Green Status – This status color displays when the service is active and working as it should.

  • Yellow Status – This status color displays when the service is idle.


Since the Routing Controls Application Gateway (AG) service is typically only active on one of the servers, Side A or Side B, the yellow status is commonly used to help you identify which server it is inactive on. If the AG service status is yellow on Side B, then it should be green on Side A. When in the yellow (idle) status, the AG service is ready to activate on that server if the other server AG service fails.

  • Red Status – This status color displays when the service is inactive or it has failed.

Name Column – Displays the name for services available on each server.

Host Column – Displays the host or IP address for each service.

Task Icon Column – Displays icons used to control various functions for each service. The icons differ for each service, and some services do not have icons.

See Also