Create a New Agent User

Webex CCE Administration Portal simplifies the process of creating a new agent user with the use of the Clone User function found on the Users page. Using this function to create an agent allows the cloned agent's settings to copy over to the new agent. This saves a lot of time, as the copied settings do not require manual entry or configuration.

Copied settings include the following:

  • Skill assignments
  • Collection assignments
  • Precision queues attributes and attribute values

Creating a New Agent Using Clone User

Create a new agent by completing the following steps:

  1. On the Users page, locate an existing agent user whose settings align with those needed for the new agent.
Having trouble finding a specific agent user?
  • To distinguish between an agent and non-agent user on the Users page, look under the Agent ID column for each user. Only agents have an agent ID assigned.
  • For assistance with using the search and filter features on the Users page to find a specific user, see Users Grid Features.
  1. Click the Clone User task icon located on the same row of the agent to clone. This opens the Clone User dialog box.

  1. Under the User Info tab, complete the fields with the following information:

  • UsernameRequired field. Username used for the new agent to sign into Portal or other related contact center applications. The username must be unique and is limited to 20 characters. When signing in, the username is in the form of username@tenant-suffix, in which the username is the name used in the Username field. The tenant-suffix is three characters used to identify the organization or contact center.
  • First NameRequired field. New agent's first name.
  • Last NameRequired field. New agent's last name.
  • The Username, First Name, and Last Name fields for agents and supervisors support the use of the following ASCII characters:

  • Due to a restriction in Active Directory, the Username field must also contain a combination of alphanumeric characters. It must also contain at least one alphabetic character.
  • The last character of the Username field may not be a period (.).
  • Phone NumberRequired field. Non-business phone number used to contact the new agent. This field supports up to 15 digits allows for entry of international phone numbers as well.
  • EmailOptional field. Business email address assigned to the new agent. Webex CCE Administration Portal validates the email address entered across all tenants to ensure it is not currently in use. If the email address is currently in use by another user, an error message displays when trying to save the changes.
  • Agent IDRequired field. New agent's ID. The new agent must have an agent ID for agent team assignment.
  • Enterprise NameRequired field. Name assigned to the new agent in Cisco Configuration Manager. This field is

The Enterprise Name is automatically generated based on the Last Name and First Name fields (LastName_FirstName). This field only supports the use of the underscore (_) and period (.) special characters with the following exceptions:

  • If the first character of the Last Name field is any special character, it is removed when the Enterprise Name is generated.
  • Any unsupported special characters are also removed when the Enterprise Name is generated, regardless of character position.

If the first character of the First Name field is any supported special character, it remains when the Enterprise Name is generated.

  • Agent DescriptionOptional field. Description of the agent used in Cisco Configuration Manager.
  • PasswordOptional field. Enter a password to assign to the new agent.

If the Password field is left blank, a password is automatically generated for the user. The generated password is as follows:

  • <First Character of First Name in Uppercase> + <First Character of Last Name in Lowercase> + <Phone Number> + !!
  • An example generated password for an agent named Tim Smith, with the phone number 555-123-0001, would be: Ts5551230001!!

If the first character of the First Name and Last Name fields contain any special characters, the password fails to automatically generate. In this case, enter the password manually.

There is also an Active Directory policy in place that requires the password to contain at least one alphabetic character.

  • Person Description – Enter a description of the person in this field, if needed.
  • Agent State Trace – Enable this feature to track every state change made by the agent. This feature is available for up to 100 agents total.
  • Support Digital Channel – Enable or disable the Support Digital Channel feature. This feature requires that UCCE 12.6.2 support is enabled for Portal. Contact your account manager to have this feature enabled.
  • Site – Drop-down menu for selecting the new agent's site location. The site is usually the city, state, or the name of the agent's physical location.

If the Cisco Unified Communications (UC) feature is enabled in Portal, any sites created within UC for customer UC phones is reflected on this drop-down. Selecting a site helps UC to categorize users and resources.

  • Department – Drop-down menu for selecting the new agent's department assignment.
  • Billing Unit – Drop-down menu for selecting the new agent's billing unit.
  • ProfileRequired selection. Drop-down menu for selecting a profile for the new agent. A profile is pre-selected by default.
  • Assigned Role – Drop-down menu for selecting a new agent's role assignment. For additional details about roles, see . To learn more about roles and how they affect user access, see Features for Standard Portal Roles.
  • Agent Team – Drop-down menu for selecting the new agent's agent team. The same agent team assigned to the cloned agent stays selected, unless changed for the new agent. For additional information about agent teams, see Agent Teams.
  • Agent Desk Settings – Drop-down menu for selecting the new agent's desk settings.
  • Create Verint QA User – Allows for the user to be created in Verint QA. If set to YES the Verint QA tab is displayed alongside User Info and Collections. This option is only available for tenants with Verint QA enabled.
  • List of Services for Contact Center AI – Enable any available Contact Center AI services by placing a check next to the options.
  • Agent Answers – Select this option to enable the Agent Answers gadget on the Finesse Desktop Layout.
  • Call Transcript – Select this option to enable the Call Transcript feature for the agent.
  • VAV Transcript – Select this option to enable the Virtual Assistant Voice transcript feature for the agent. This feature requires that UCCE 12.6.2 support is enabled for Portal. Contact your account manager to have this feature enabled.

Portal Administrator users may see a Clusters drop-down menu above the Select a Primary Phone section, allowing them to filter the phones by available Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) clusters. This menu only displays if multiple CUCM clusters are configured and available.

  1. Select the Collections tab to assign collections to the new agent.

  1. The Collections tab consists of two assignment panes:
  • Users – Lists all collections available for users.
  • Agents – Lists all collections available for agents.
  1. All collections are already selected by default. Place a check next each collection to associate with the new agent. Remove the check next to each collection to not have it associated with the new agent. Options to quickly select or deselect all collections are available above each list.
  • Select All – Selects all collections listed below.
  1. Complete the fields under the Vertin QA tab, if enabled.
  • User NameRequired field. User name to be entered and used for the new user within Verint QA. This field automatically imports the text entered in the Username field under the User Info tab.
  • First NameRequired field. First name of the user. This field automatically imports the text entered in the First Name field under the User Info tab.
  • Last NameRequired field. Last name of the user. This field automatically imports the text entered in the Last Name field under the User Info tab.
  • Organization – Drop-down menu used to select the new user's the organization.
  • Is Supervisor? – Specifies if the user is or is not a supervisor.
  • Is Team Lead? – Specifies if the user is or is not a team lead.
  • Agent IDRequired field. Agent ID assigned to the user. This field automatically imports the text entered in the Agent ID field under the User Info tab.
  • Employee Title – Drop-down menu used to select the new user's title.
  • Supervisor – Drop-down menu used to select the new user's supervisor.
  • Team Lead – Drop-down menu used to select the new user's team lead.
  1. When finished with selecting and deselecting collections for the new agent, click the Clone button. The new agent now displays on the Users page. Cancel the creation of a new agent at any time by clicking the Cancel button.

Upon clicking the Clone button, Webex CCE Administration Portal automatically creates a default password for the new agent and sends an email notification for their new account. The agent must initially sign in using this default password.


The default password will be a combination of the following:

  • First Name Initial (upper case) + Last Name Initial (lower case) + Phone Number + !!

For example, an agent named Jane Doe with the phone number 555-555-1234 will have a default password of "Jd5555551234!!".

After signing in with the default password, Webex CCE Administration Portal will require the agent to change their password. When the agent has changed their password, it can then be used to sign into other applications that share the username and password, such as Jabber.

See Also