Activate or Deactivate a User

As contact center employees leave, join, or re-join the organization, users will need activated or deactivated in Webex CCE Administration Portal. For example, if an employee leaves the organization, or goes on a temporary leave, deactivate the user. A deactivated user can no longer access Portal and/or Agent Desktop. When the employee returns from leave or decides to re-join the organization, activate the user. Doing this resumes their access to Webex CCE Administration Portal and/or Agent Desktop. Also, when a new employee joins the organization, the user may need activated on their start date. This topic covers how to activate and deactivate both agent and non-agent users from the Users page.

Deactivating a User

To deactivate a user:

  1. On the Users page, locate the user to deactivate.
Having trouble finding a specific agent or non-agent user?
  • To distinguish between an agent and non-agent user on the Users page, look under the Agent ID column for each user. Only agents have an agent ID assigned, while non-agent users do not.
  • For assistance with using the search and filter features on the Users page to find a specific user, see Users Grid Features.
  1. Click the Deactivate User task icon located on the same row of the user or agent to deactivate. This opens the Access for dialog box.

  1. Choose the options to disable for the user:
  • To disable the user's access to Portal, set the Enable Portal Login toggle switch to NO.
  • To disable the user's access to Agent Desktop, set the Enable Agent Desktop Login toggle switch to NO.

  1. After choosing options to disable, save changes by clicking the Save button. Otherwise, click the Cancel button to cancel the operation at any time.

The user is now deactivated as indicated by the empty red check box that replaced the Deactivate User icon.

Activating a User

To activate a user:

  1. On the Users page, locate the user to activate.
Having trouble finding a specific agent or non-agent user?
  • To distinguish between an agent and non-agent user on the Users page, look under the Agent ID column for each user. Only agents have an agent ID assigned, while non-agent users do not.
  • For assistance with using the search and filter features on the Users page to find a specific user, see Users Grid Features.
  1. Click the Activate User task icon located on the same row of the user or agent to activate. This opens the Access for dialog box.

  1. Choose the options to enable for the user:
  • To enable the user's access to Webex CCE Administration Portal, set the Enable Portal Login toggle switch to YES.
  • To enable the user's access to Agent Desktop, set the Enable Agent Desktop Login toggle switch to YES.

  1. After choosing options to enable, save changes by clicking the Save button. Otherwise, click the Cancel button to cancel the operation at any time.

The user is now activated as indicated by the green check box that replaced the Activate User icon.

See Also