Topic Updated: February 24, 2025
Configure a New Number Control
The Number control allows a user to set a specific number variable within a route. It is commonly used for the following types of scenarios:
- Setting a threshold for the minimum number of calls can be in a queue before Callbacks are offered to the caller
- Setting a threshold for handling the longest call in a queue
This topic covers how to configure a new Number control after adding.
Adding a Number Control
To add a new Number control, refer to the Add a New Routing Control topic.
Configuring the New Number Control
To configure a new Number control:
- Edit the Control Name and Control Description fields as needed.
The Control Code field can no longer be edited after initially adding the control.
- Enter a value between 0 - 10,000,000 into the Control Value field.
- Refer to the Using the Daily Default Reset Value section below if the control value needs to reset to a different value on a daily basis.
- Click the Save button to save any changes made to the control, or click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.
A success confirmation displays in the upper right corner upon successfully creating a new control. The message disappears after a few seconds.
Using the Daily Default Reset Value
Based on the contact center's needs, a control value may need to reset to a different value at a specific time each day. This can be accomplished by using the Daily Default Reset Value. By default, this feature is disabled, and this section shows how to enable and configure.
- Enable the Daily Default Reset Value by toggling the slider to the ON position
- Enter a value between 0 - 10,000,000 into the Control Value field. This is the value the control resets to each day.
- Enter a time for the control to reset in the Reset Time field.
Alternatively, click on the Reset Time field to reveal a dialog that allows for the selection of the time. Click on the arrows to adjust the time, and click on AM or PM to swap between AM or PM.
- Select a time zone by clicking the drop-down menu located under Time Zone.
Make sure the time zone matches with your computer. This ensures the timestamps displayed in the audit log match up to the time on your computer.
- Click the Save button to save any changes made to the control or click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.
A success confirmation displays in the upper right corner upon successfully creating a new control. The message disappears after a few seconds.
See Also