Understanding Assignment Dialog Boxes

Some functions within Webex CCE Administration Portal allow users to assign objects to selected assignees, such as Collections to Agent Groups. To make this process easier, a dialog box pops up on the page, containing two panes. One pane displays assigned objects, and the other displays available objects. Using these panes, users can quickly and easily decide which objects to assign or un-assign.

Using Assignment Dialog Boxes

Assignment dialog boxes pop-up when editing certain types of assignees. They consist of two types of panes and display the name of the assignee.

Assignee Name - Name of the person, object, or group getting objects assigned or un-assigned.

Assigned Objects Pane - Lists all objects assigned to the selected assignee. Assign additional objects to the assignees by moving objects from the Available Objects Pane. Un-assign objects by moving them from this pane, back to the Available Objects Pane.

Available Objects Pane - Lists objects available for assignment to a person or object. Assign objects to an assignee by moving objects from this pane into the Assigned Objects Pane. Un-assign objects by moving them from the Assigned Objects Pane, into the Available Objects Pane.

This document refers to Assignment pages either as "assignment pop-up windows" or "assignment pages". Assignment pages and windows consist of two or more individual panes. Each pane consists of a list of objects that are used by a specific function. Objects can be assigned or un-assigned by selecting one or more objects, and then moving those selected objects into a different pane.

Filter by Object Drop-Menu - Displays in some Assignment dialog boxes. Allows users to select an object type. When selected, the pane displays only the selected object types.

Filter - Field used to filter the list of objects displayed in the pane. Users can enter text in this field to quickly find an object or objects.

Select All - Placing a check in this box selects all objects within the pane.

Un-assign Button - Found in the Assigned Objects Pane, this button moves selected objects to the Available Objects Pane. Objects moved are no longer assigned to the assignee.

Assign Button - Found in the Available Objects Pane, this button moves selected objects to the Assigned Objects Pane. Objects moved are now assigned to the assignee.

Paging Controls - Each pane displays a maximum of 50 objects. If a pane has over 50 objects, users can use the paging controls to find objects not displayed.

Assigned Object Access Type Drop-Menu - Displays next to assigned objects in the Assigned Objects Pane. Allows users to select the type of access to assign to the assigned object.

Available Object Access Type Drop-Menu - Appears next to the Assign Button when selecting objects in the Available Objects Pane. Allows users to select the type of access an object has before moving it to the Assigned Objects Pane.

Object Check Boxes - Indicates objects selected within the pane.

See Also