Manage User Assignment for a Role

For a role to become effective, it must have users assigned. The users assigned to the role are then associated with any features that are turned on or off within the role as well. Follow the steps below to learn more about managing user assignments for a role.

Accessing the Assign Users Interface

Locate the role you need to assign or un-assign users for and access the Assign Users interface by doing the following:

  1. Click the Actions button.
  2. Select Users to access.

Using the Assign Users Interface

Managing User Assignments Using the Assignment List Panes

Click to expand the sections below to see additional details.

Saving Changes

Save any changes by clicking Save, or click Cancel to cancel the operation.

Cancel or Save buttons


If canceling the operation, a Confirm Navigation panel displays. Click Leave Page to confirm canceling. To close the panel and return to the previous task, click Stay on Page.

Confirmation panel for cancel operation