Setting Up Finesse
The Finesse® tab is displayed only if the Finesse application has been assigned to this tenant. This section assumes both that the Finesse application has been assigned to this tenant and that the Finesse tab
If the Finesse tab is not the active tab, click on the tab to make it the active tab.
If the Finesse application has been assigned to the tenant that you are currently setting up, you can configure the Finesse application for the tenant in the following boxes:
API Primary URL - Required. The primary Web address (URL) to access the Finesse application. Enter the primary URL that the tenant will use to access the Finesse application.
API Secondary URL - Required. The secondary (backup) Web address (URL) to access the Finesse application. Enter the secondary URL that the tenant can use to access the Finesse application if the primary URL fails.
Admin Username - Required. The username used by the person who is assigned to administer the Finesse application for the tenant.
Admin Password - Required. The password used by the Finesse administrator to administer the Finesse application. The password is visible to make it easier to be passed on to the tenant.
HTTP Connect Timeout - Required. The maximum number of seconds that can pass before the tenant connection to the Finesse application times out because of non-usage, leading to the tenant disconnecting from the application.
HTTP Response Timeout - Required. The maximum number of seconds that can pass while waiting for a response from the Finesse application. When the response timeout has passed, the query that expected the response ends and the tenant disconnects from the application.
After entering all information required to set up the Finesse application for the tenant, click on the Save button to save your settings.
Note: If you also assigned the icRoute application to the tenant, click on the icRoute tab to make it the active tab in which you can configure the icRoute application for the new tenant. After clicking on the icRoute tab, for information about the settings associated with the icRoute application, see Setting Up the icRoute Application.