Features of the Tenants Page

The Tenants page can be identified by the "Source Systems" label in the upper left corner of the page. You can open the Tenants page by clicking on the Tenants menu item in the Main Menu.

The Tenants page includes several features to help you locate individual tenants. These features are identified in the following screen capture.

The following information explains the features of the Tenants page in greater detail:

  • Search Controls - The search function is located in the top of the page and includes the following elements:

    • Search Filter - The Search Filter is the box on the left side of the page. The default value in this box is "Name," corresponding to the Name column. Other values correspond to other columns in the Tenants page. To perform the search in a single column only, click anywhere in the box to open the drop-down menu and click on the value that identifies that column. Choosing a different value for the search filter causes the search function to search for all occurrences of the specified value in the specified column, for example, "Name," "Description," "Prefix" or "Source System Name."

    • Search Box - The Search box is the input box in the middle. Enter the information for which you want to search. The search function will search for an exact match to the information you enter wherever it occurs in the location specified in the Search Filter.

    • Search Button - After setting your search criteria in the boxes listed above, click on this button on the right side (indicated by a representation of a magnifying glass) OR press the Enter key to perform the search. Your search results are displayed in the body of the Tenants page.
  • Page Label - The name of the current page. You cannot change this information.

  • Sort Columns - To sort the contents of the Tenants page, click anywhere in the column header for the column on which you want to base the sort operation. The arrow on the right side of the column label (see the screen capture above) indicates if you are sorting that column (and therefore all rows in the Tenants page) into ascending order or descending order.

  • Hide/Unhide Button - When the button points upward, you can click on it to hide the contents of the page, leaving only the blue label bar. When the button points downward, you can click on it to display the previously hidden contents of the page.

  • Task Icon - A single task icon is located on the right side of the row on which each tenant is located (in the unlabeled Tasks column). The following screen capture illustrates the task icon. The task icon has been enlarged for clarity.

    You can click on the task icon to edit the associated tenant.

  • Add New Tenant Button - Click on this button to open the dialog that creates a new tenant. For more information, see Create a New Tenant.

  • Selected Tenant Row - Any time you click in a tenant row, the entire row changes to a light green color to indicate that it is the current (selected) row.
  • Paging Controls - Paging controls (located in the center of the bottom line of the page) enable you to move to different pages to display different tenants. You can use the following paging controls to view or locate specific items:

    • Paging controls (located in the center of the bottom line of the page) enable you to move to different pages to display different items. In the bottom of the page, click the right-pointing arrow to move to the next page or click on the left-pointing arrow to return to the previous page. In addition, you can click on the double right-pointing arrow to display the last page in the sequence or click on the double left-pointing arrow to return to the first page.

    • If you know the number of the page on which an item is located, you can double-click in the Page box to highlight the current page number and then type over that number with a different page number. Press Enter to display the page you specified.

    • Finally, to make it easier to locate an item, you can click on the drop-down box on the right to choose a different number of items that can be displayed on each page. You can specify 10, 20, or 30 items per page. You may find that it is easier and faster to scroll up and down in a few large pages rather than constantly moving to a different page.


      1. The size of the page does not change. However, because there is a larger or smaller number of items on each page, scroll bars may be either added or removed as necessary for navigational purposes.

      2. Any time you change the page size, your new page size is persistent. That is, you can change to a different page or log off, and when you return to the page that you resized, you will see the number of items that you set the last time you viewed the page.

  • Page Summary - The Tenant Page Summary is located in the bottom right corner of the Tenants page. The page summary provides the following information:

    • The range of items that is currently displayed:

      • The first number ("1" in the above screen capture) identifies the beginning item in the currently displayed range of items. The number also identifies the position (in the list of all items) of the item listed in the top row of the current page. That is, the item listed in the top row of the current page is the first item in the list of all items.

      • The second number ("10" in the above screen capture) identifies the ending item in the currently displayed range of items. The number also identifies the position (in the list of all items) of the item listed in the bottom row of the current page. That is, the item listed in the bottom row of the current Tenants page is the ninth item in the list of Tenants.

        Note: The above two numbers indicate the total number of items displayed in the current page. For example, if the first number is "11" and the second number is "20," there are 10 items displayed in the page.

    • The total number of items. The third number ("46" in the above screen capture) represents the total number of items in the entire list of items.