View Callback Summaries for a Specific Date Range

Within the Callbacks tool, users can view callback summaries by both status and queue for a selected date range.

Changing the Callback Summary Date Range

Change the date range by doing the following:

  1. Enter or select a date for both the Start Date and End Date fields.


Select a date using the calendar that displays below each field for selecting the date. Click the arrows to switch the selected month. Clicking the month/year at the top of the calendar changes to the month selection view.

The month selection view allows for quick selection of a month. Use the arrows to navigate through the selected year or click the year to change to the year selection view.

The year selection view allows for the quick selection of a year. Use the arrows to navigate between the years displayed.

  1. Click the Search button to display results for the selected date range.

The Callback Summary by Status and Callback Summary by Queue sections now show data for all the days within the selected date range.

Viewing Details for a Specific Callback Queue

Filter the summary and detail data displayed on the Callbacks page by selecting a Callback Queue under the Callback Summary by Queue section.

Reset the page data to default by clicking the Callback Queue Header within the Callback Summary by Queue section.

See Also