Topic Updated: February 24, 2025
Features of the Sites Pane
In the main menu, you can open the Locations page by clicking on Administration > Locations. The Locations page consists of three panes, the Sites pane, the Departments pane, and the Billing Units pane. See the following screen capture to identify the three panes in the Locations page..
The Locations page includes several features to help you work within the three panes that make up the Locations page. This topic discusses the features that are included in the Sites pane. The features associated with the Sites pane are identified in the following screen capture.
The following information explains features of the Sites pane in greater detail:
Search. - Enter a character string that represents all or part of the name of a site into the Search box and click on the Search button (the button with the magnifying glass) to perform a search for the site. For more information about performing a search, .
Note: By default, the Search function examines all three panes for matching character strings. You can narrow the search by selecting an option in the All box on the left side of the window.
Pane Label - The name that identifies the pane. You cannot change this information.
Sort Columns - To sort the contents of the Sites pane either in ascending order or in descending order, click anywhere in the column header in the pane for which you want to change the sort order. The arrow on the right side of the column label (see the screen capture above) indicates if you are sorting the pane into ascending order or descending order. Sorting a single pane does not affect the sort order of the other two panes.
Selected Site - When you select a site, the entire row that contains the site changes to a light green color. This makes it easier to verify that you are working with the right site, but does not perform any action.
Task Icons - The task icons associated with each site are located on the right side of the row on which the site is located. The following screen capture illustrates the task icons. The task icons have been enlarged for clarity.
You can use the following task icons to work with the associated site:
- Edit the information for the associated site. Update Information for an Existing Site.
- Assign or un-assign users to or from the site. Assign Users to a Site.
- Delete a site. Delete a Site.
Add New Site button - Click on this button to create a new site. For more information about creating a new site, Sites.