Updating the Side A Tab
This section provides information about updating the Side A database.
Note: If you click on the Save button before you have finished providing all required information, all boxes that are missing information are highlighted.
If the Side A tab is not the active tab, click on the tab now to make it the active tab.
In the Side A tab, verify or update the following information:
Connector ID - Required. Verify or update the connector ID.
Type - The type of connector. The value in this box is "Remote". You cannot change this setting.
Time Out Value - The time-out value for the connector. The value in this box is "180000". You cannot change this setting.
Update Connection Retry - The number of attempts to make when connecting to the database. The value in this box is "50000". You cannot change this setting.
Application Name - The application name for this side. The value in this box is "icAppsConapiService". You cannot change this setting.
Application Key - The key that is associated with the application (named above). The value in this box is "eLoyalty". You cannot change this setting.
Remote Service Name - The Remote Service name. The value in this box is "icAppsConapiServer". You cannot change this setting.
Remote Host IP - Required. Verify or update the IP address that identifies the remote host.
Remote Registry Port - Verify or update the IP address that identifies the remote host.
Transport Type - The type of transport used to communicate with the database. The default setting in this box is "RmiDriver". You cannot change this setting.
Disable Conapi Auto Connect - The default value for this slider control is "No". You cannot change this setting.
Connection Attempts - The number of connection attempts to make before generating an error. The default value in this box is "3". You cannot change this setting.
Local Service Name - The default value in this box is "IcAppsConapiServiceClient". You cannot change this setting.
Local Registry Port - The local registry port number. If appropriate, you can over-type the current port number with a different port number.
Local Port - The local port number. If appropriate, you can over-type the current port number with a different port number.
Conapi Service Host Name - Required. The name for the Conapi Service Host. Verify or update the unique name for the Conapi Service Host.
Conapi Service Host IP Address - Required. The Conapi Service Host IP address. Verify or update the unique name for the Conapi Service Host.
When you have finished verilfying or updating all required information, you can test your settings by clicking on the Test button. The Test button is activated only after you have provided all required information.
To continue setting up the database, click on the Side B tab to make it the active tab. In this document, jump to Updating the Side B Tab.