Delete a User

If a user within Webex CCE Administration Portal is no longer in use or is no longer needed, it can be deleted.


To delete a user, you must have one of the following roles assigned:

  • Portal Owner
  • Administrator

Deleting a User

Delete a user by doing the following:

  1. Locate the user to delete on the Users page.
  2. Click the Delete User icon located on the same row of the user.


Please use caution when deleting a user as it may have potentially negative ramifications. Deleting a user can also remove the user from the following:

  • Other connected systems and reporting tools
  • History and reporting trails for the user's activities

However, the deleted user's audit history is still maintained within Skills, Agent Teams, and other tools within Webex CCE Administration Portal, including System Wide Audit. The maintained audit history reflects the user that completed the user deletion.

  1. Confirm the deletion of the user by clicking the Delete button, or click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.

See Also