Queue Configuration
The primary function of queues within the InteractionSync for Amazon Connect configuration is to associate the following features with the call queues used in Amazon Connect:
Accessing a Queue Configuration
Settings can be configured for each queue found within the InteractionSync configuration under the Queue section of the menu. Select the queue you want to configure, or see the Adding a New Queue section below to add a new queue.
Refer to the InteractionSync Configuration topic for assistance with accessing the InteractionSync configuration.
Adding a New Queue
Add a new queue to the InteractionSync configuration by doing the following:
To associate a new queue created in this configuration with a queue used in Amazon Connect, they must have the same name.
- Click the New Configuration button located at the top of the InteractionSync configuration.
- Select Queue from the Scope drop-down menu, found on the New configuration dialog.
- Enter the same name of the Amazon Connect queue into the Queue field.
- Click the Create button.
Selecting a Record Session Template
Use the Record Session Template drop-down selector to change the entity record that is opened upon an agent accepting an incoming call.
Selecting a Search Session Template
Use the Search Session Template drop-down to select the search window to open upon an agent accepting an incoming call.
Configuring Search and Screen Pops for a Queue
Screen pops display entities to an agent before or during a customer call and allows them to view and/or collect information that is relative to that call and contact. InteractionSync automatically displays the screen pops to an agent based on a search for entities that match with the records and information stored within the Dynamics 365 customer relationship management (CRM).
Selecting an Interaction Type to Configure
Separate Search and Screen Pop configurations are available for each of the following interaction types:
- Phonecall
- Chat
- Callback
- Task
Click on a tab to select the interaction type you want to configure..
Enable or Disable Search and Screen Pop for Interaction Types
With the interaction type selected, enable or disable the Search and Screen Pop feature by toggling the slider to the on or off position. This feature must be enabled to configure screen pops.
Search and Screen Pop "Enabled" for Phonecall Interactions
Selecting a Screen Pop Trigger
Triggers are used to determine when a screen pop displays an entity or entities to the agent. Incoming interactions are first placed into a queue and then transferred to an available agent assigned to that specific queue in Amazon Connect. Depending on the trigger configuration, entities are then displayed to the agent upon receiving or accepting the call. To change how screen pops are triggered, do the following:
- Click on the Trigger drop-down menu.
- Select one of the following trigger options:
- Connected – Screen pop displays when an agent accepts an incoming interaction.
- Connecting – Screen pop displays before an agent accepts the incoming interaction.
- Incoming – Screen pop displays during the incoming interaction before the agent accepts. (This trigger is only available in the Callback interaction configuration.)
- Pending – Screen pop displays after the callback interaction is accepted. (This trigger is only available in the Callback interaction configuration.)
Selecting a Search Value
Under the Search Value section, administrators can select either a phone number or contact attribute to specify which value is used to query the CRM. Select one of the following options to define the search value:
- Phone Number – Selecting this option will use the caller's phone number as the search value.
- Contact Attribute – Selecting this option displays a text box allowing you to enter the name for a contact attribute to use as the search value. The contact attribute name is not case sensitive, but it must match the name used in Amazon Connect.
Configuring Searched Entities
When a screen pop is triggered, InteractionSync immediately searches the CRM for entities that match those included in the screen pop configuration.
Searched Entity Configuration
A searched entity has the following fields that you must configure to search for the entities desired:
- Add – Click this button to add a new row for adding additional Entity Field and Contact Field details.
- Entity – Select the type of entity you want to display to the agent as a screen pop.
- Search Fields – Fields that are searched during the incoming call or when the call is accepted, based on the selected trigger.
- Filter – Filters the search results by entries that are active or inactive within Dynamics 365. To learn more about using this filter, refer to this website on Query Options.
- Delete – Click this button to delete the Entity Field and Contact Field row.
Screen Pop Behavior
The Screen pop behavior section allows you to configure how screen pops function based on the outcome of the entity search.
If No Entity is Found
Choose from one of the following options to determine what happens if the entity search returns no results:
- Do nothing – Selecting this option displays no screen pop.
- Show search page – Select this option to display a search page to the agent, allowing them to manually search.
- Create an entity – Select this option to create a new entity. Additional configuration options are displayed below this option, allowing you to configure the entity to create.
Entity Created
This section only displays if the Create an entity option is selected under the If no entity is found section. Configure the entity to create as needed based on the descriptions below:
- Entity Created – Select the type of entity you want to create and display to the agent as a screen pop.
- Add – Click this button to add a new row for adding additional Entity Field and Contact Field details.
- Entity Field – Select the field to include in the created entity based on the type of entity selected in the Entity Created drop-down.
- Contact Field – Allows for the selection of the one of the following field types to associate with the entity field.
- Phone Number – Assigns the incoming call telephone number to the selected Entity Field for the created entity.
- Queue – Assigns the name of the queue from which the incoming call was placed in to the selected Entity Field for the created entity.
- Contact Attribute – Assigns a custom contact attribute key to the selected Entity Field for the created entity. You can manually define the contact attribute key by entering it into the field that displays next to the Contact Attribute drop-down menu.
- Delete – Click this button to delete the Entity Field and Contact Field row.
Contact attribute keys may be case sensitive. Enter them exactly as they are within the CRM.
If a Single Entity is Found
Choose from one of the following options to determine what happens if the entity search returns a single result:
- Do nothing – Selecting this option displays no screen pop.
- Display entity – Selecting this option displays the entity found to the agent.
If Multiple Entities are Found
Choose from one of the following options to determine what happens if the entity search returns multiple results:
- Do nothing – Selecting this option displays no screen pop.
- Show search page – Select this option to display a search page to the agent, allowing them to manually search for the entity needed.
Example Screen Pop Scenario
For a better understanding of how screen pops function, see the example of a basic scenario for a screen pop below:
- A customer calls and is placed into a queue.
- The call is passed to any available agent that is assigned to that queue.
- When the agent accepts the call, InteractionSync then searches for the customer's telephone number in the CRM.
- Based on the CRM search results, one of the following screen pop scenarios occur:
- If no results are returned, a create new contact screen displays.
- If one result is returned, the contact screen is displayed.
- If multiple results are returned, a search results page is displayed allowing the agent to make a selection from the available results.
Configuring Wrapup Codes
Agents use wrap-up codes to define the outcome of a call. The Wrapup Codes section of the Queue configuration allows you to enter the wrap-up codes agents can use for calls they handle within the queue.
Adding Wrapup Codes
Add a wrap-up code by clicking the + button, and then enter the wrap-up code into the empty field that displays.
Wrap-up codes may be case sensitive. Enter the code exactly as it is presented within the CRM.
Deleting Wrapup Codes
Delete a wrap-up code by clicking the X button displayed next to it.
Configuring Contact Attributes
Amazon Connect uses contact attributes to store temporary information about a contact, which is then used to assist with the interaction. They are commonly used for the following scenarios:
- Provide customer phone number for scheduling a callback
- Identify which agent interacted with the customer for associating post call surveys
- Queue assignment based on number of callers
Adding Contact Attributes
Add a contact attribute by clicking the + button, and then enter the contact attribute name in the field that displays. The name is not case-sensitive, but must match the contact attribute name used in Amazon Connect.
Deleting Contact Attributes
Delete a contact attribute by clicking the X button displayed next to it.
Configuring Activity Field Mapping
Activity field mapping within InteractionSync synchronizes activities that occur during agent interactions and maps them to the Dynamics 365 CRM. Activity field mapping can be configured for the following activity types:
- Phonecall
- Callback
- Chat
- Task
Selecting an Activity
Select one of the activity tabs to configure mappings for that type.
You can seamlessly navigate between each of the tabs without losing any changes you have made, as changes are saved when clicking the Save button located at the bottom of the page.
Configure an Activity
Configure the activity field mapping based on the descriptions below:
- Add – Click this button to add a new row for adding additional Entity Field and Contact Field details.
- Entity Field – Select the entity field to include in the mapping.
- Contact Field – Select the contact field to map the entity field to.
- Delete – Click this button to delete the Entity Field and Contact Field row.
Saving the Queue Configuration Changes
Save any additions or changes made to the queue configuration by clicking the Save button located at the bottom of the page.